Wilson’s Airless 3D Printed Basketball May Change the Way Basketballs Are Made in The Future

Basketballs haven’t changed much since their early days, besides the use of more modern materials, generally speaking basketalls are the same and like every other ball require inflation with air. Wilson is aiming to change the future of ball technology with its new 3d printed basketball. This airless prototype basketball is the first of its kind basketball that require no air or inflation. That means that this ball can be used virtually forever without the need to inflate or constantly checking air pressure as with traditional basketballs.
The airless basketball uses a 3D-printed lattice structure that has been thoroghly researched to replicate the bounce of a traditional basketball. The lattice is designed with small hexagonal holes laid across eight panel-like lobes that allows air to pass freely through the ball. As of now the Wilson airless basketball is just a concept that explores advancement in 3D-printing technology and space-age materials. There are no plans to mass produce the ball for retail or sports but that could change in the near future.