This Solar-Powered Camping Tent Features Heated Floors, Wi-Fi, and Technology that Glows in the Dark

Let’s be real, the everday camping tent can use a little bit of innovation and the Chill n’ Charge Solar Tent is leading the way. This highly-innovative camping tent includes electric heated floors, wi-fi integration, a wireless charging station, retractable solar panel array and best of all it illuminates in the dark.
What more can you ask for from a camping tent with the all the modern amenities to make your camp out a comfortable, stress free experience. Designed by Kaleidescope Design, the tent was originally meant to assist guests at the Glastonbury music festival in the UK find their way at nights as well as enjoy a comfortable experince connected with friends and family while attending the music festival.
The tent was deisgned with what is being called “Glo-cation” technology where the user would send a text message to the tent which would begin to glow once the tent receives the message helping the user to find it easily in a sea of tents common at music festivals.
For those excited to get their hands on one of these, the Chill n’ Charge Solar Tent is only a concpet at present and there is no indication from the company that built the concepts that were used at the Glastonbury Festival whether they intend to mass produce it.