JetCycle Max Hydrofoil Pedal Boat Will Provide Loads of Fun on The Water This Summer

With summer fast approaching get prepared for water fun with the JetCycle Max Hydrofoil Pedal Boat. This single seat, pedal boat is 100% human powered, that means you have to put in some work to move it around the water. This is not your ordinary pedal boat or pedal canoe, the JetCycle is an innovative foil boat that promises a unique riding experience never experienced before.
With a 3.4 m long and 0.80 m wide hull, it can comfortable fit one occupant up to 60kg in weight. The hull is made of composite materials to maximize rigidity and minimize weight. The boat is equipped with two foils, one in the front and the other in the rear that allows for easy lift off even at low speed.
Propelling the bike is easy JetCyle features a simple and quick adjustment pedal system, with no need to change gears or chainrings, and can be adapted to the size of each user. Depending on your leg power, JetCycle can traverse the water’s surface at speeds of up to 12 mph.