The Type 136 eBike From Lotus is a Super-Lightweight Racing Demon

If you are looking for a seriously lightweight and fast ebike look no further than the Lotus Type 136. This high-performance ebike is ultra-lightweight with a design inspired by the pioneering and rebellious Lotus track bikes of the past. It pays homage to its Olympic heritage with a super-light design, supercharged efficiency, and signature Lotus performance.
Supercharge your ride with the ultra light-weight ebike motor from High Performance System (HPS), which delivers true dual-use functionality allowing you to ride further, faster and higher. This remarkable ebike also features the WATT ASSIST Pro motor which weigs just 300 grams but packs a poweful 125 watts per kilogram.
The Type 136 delivers balanced aerodynmics, comfort and tech at a price that will not break your wallet.