The Ice Vest Keeps You Cool When its Hot Outside!

Strap on this ice vest and stay cool when the temperature rises outdoors. Designed for a variety of applications, the ice vest can be used by workers who spend a lot of time outdoors working in temperature conditions that can be dangerous and where managing body temperature is paramount to worker safety. It can be used by employees in theme parks, construction sites, under mascot suits or anywhere where body temperature needs to be managed for safety reasons. In addition to worker safety, it can also be used by multiple Sclerosis sufferers who experience heat sensitivity.
For the average individual, the heat vest can be used on days when the temperature is uncomfortably hot and humid to provide relief when doing yard chores or taking in a sporting event outdoors. The vest is lightweight and made from neoprene and rip-stop material and fitted with 96 pure water ice cubes that work in conjunction to lower core body temperature. Each 96 cube panels can be removed and swapped out for new frozen ones when the current ones have thawed out. The vest’s low-profile design adjusts to fit a variety of body sizes and offers a great way to stay cool in extreme heat conditions.