The Highly Anticipated B-21 Raider Bomber to be Unveiled December 2nd

Northrop Grumman the prime contractor of the highly anticipated B-21 Raider Bomber unveiled this week that the enigmatic bomber would be unveiled on December 2. The secretive 6th generation bomber that will form the core of the US bomber fleet will be revealed to the general public and the media. The unveiling will take place at the Northrop Grumman facility in Palmdale, California where the aircraft is in production.
There will be a selective guest list for the event that will be determined by Northrop officials. The last unveiling of a new bomber for the US Air Force was over 30 years ago when the predecessor of the B-21, the B-2 Stealth bomber was revealed to the public. The B-21 is the most sophisticated bomber in the world according to Northrop and will provide the nation with a formidable combat capability that can be employed across a range of operations in highly contested environments.
The company has disclosed that six B-21 bombers are currently in production with the first flight scheduled for early 2023. The unveiling of the B-21 Raider bomber comes at a time of increasing global tensions and the soon to be unveiling of China’s long-range bomber the H-20 sometime towards the end of the year.