Otto 1500-Degree Steak Grill Sears Through Meat in No Time!

Hey if you are going to spend this kind of money for a grill then it better be worth every penny. The Otto 1500-degree steak grill is one of those grills that you have to think twice about because of its exorbitant cost. However, once you understand how powerful this grill is then you will realize its worth the high cost in more ways than one.
When you are hungry, nothing will absolve that hunger than filling your appetite immediately. That’s where this oven comes into the picture, because it cooks your steaks, pizza or whatever your taste is calling for in half the time of conventional grills.
The increased cooking rate is due to its use of radiant technology and OverFire radiant burners that heats this grill up to a whopping 1500 degrees. It sends infrared waves directly onto your steak which cooks it faster and more thoroughly than conventional convection grills that relying on circulation of hot air.
Purchase Details
Available for $1,299.90 on