Ocean Builders Smart Living Pods is the Future of Sustainable Living

Imagine living in a futuristic home that doesn’t disturb the natural environment. When you build a home you have to clear land, cut down trees and replace the natural environment with pavement and other unnatural materials. A house built on land is basically an environmentally destructive process and Ocean Builders is setting out to change this dynamic with the GreenPod, SeaPod and EcoPod.

Image: Ocean Builders
These revolutionary living pods will have a low-impact footprint on the environment and will change the way we live and interact with the natural environment. The pods will allow for comfortable living in locations that most homes cannot be built. The land-based pod for example, will be able to sit amongst the trees, sort of like a modern tree house, while the sea-based pod will allow you to live on some of the most breathtaking seashores on the planet. Perched high above the forest floor and the Ocean Surface, the pods will allow for a birds-eye view of the surrounding natural environment.

Image: Ocean Builders
The land-based pod comes fully equipped with an assortment of modern technology with various systems in the home tethered to your smartphone and relaying information anytime of the day. The pods will combine comfort, luxury, technology and sustainability in a one of kind home that is completely unorthodox.

Image: Ocean Builders
The Panama-based company will introduce three models; SeaPod, GreenPd and EcoPod designed by Dutch architect Koen Olthuis. The SeaPod is for aquatic living, the GreenPod for land living and the EcoPod is for the environmentally conscious. The aquatic pods or SeaPods will sit 8 feet above the water surface and offer 830 square feet of living space, that is larger than some one bedroom apartments in urgan areas. It will feature a primary bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a large storage area built over three levels.

Image: Ocean Builders
The pods will also come with a wearable smart ring that the owner can wear, and will be used to outfit drones and cars for food delivery. Underneath is a natural home for marine life. The SeaPods go on sale in September with a starting price of around $295,000 and a maximum price of $1.5 million per unit.