If Built This Incredible Floating City With Underwater Streets Will Be the Largest Man Made Structure on Earth

With the world fast approaching the implementation of a global green agenda by 2030 to combat rising sea levels and climate change, urban areas are moving offshore and plans to construct floating cities are popping up everywhere from Saudi Arabia to the Maldives to China. This incredible floating city concept with underwater streets for submarines planned to be built off the Chinese coast would be the largest man-made structure on Earth if it receives the funding and green light to move from concept to reality.

Image: AT-Design
Designed by AT Design Office and first released to the public in 2015, the proposed mega-floating city would be constructed in the Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau. It would be constructed far from the mainland and would feature cruise ship terminals, marina for yachts and a dock for civilian submarines. Connecting districts within the floating city would be achieved by underwater highways that will be traversed by fast moving submersibles carrying occupants throughout the massive structure.
If it becomes a reality, it will be built using prefabricated concrete segments measuring 492 feet long and 98 feet wide. Construction would fall to Chinese construction firm CCCC-FHDI as the primary contractor whom have acquired years of valuable experience constructing the 31-mile long bridge connecting the Chinese cities of Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai. Part of that bridge construction required an extensive underwater tunnel joined by a 492 feet precast concrete box similar to what would be required to build the floating city.

Image: AT-Design
Each module comprising the structure would be prefabricated on land and floated out to sea via a cruise dock. Each module would then be anchored together to create the enormous floating structure. Natural ventilation and lighting would be provided by a chimney built into the center of the vertical garden.
The project would entail massive hexagonal shaped modules linked together to create one complete structure. If or when it is constructed, it would be the largest floating structure every built. The designers envisions a full scale self-sufficient city with farms, hatcheries, gardens, rubbish collection facilities and its own waste management facility. The goal is to make the city zero-carbon and completely self-sufficient and independent of support from the mainland.

Image: AT-Design
It will feature five star hotels, private and commercial real estate, cultural facilities and much more. With sea levels rising across the globe, many urban areas are proposing floating cities. Instead of moving further inland why not meet the threat of rising sea levels head on and build on the water.