Embraer is Preparing for an Electric Future with 4 New Models That are Low-to-Zero Emissions

Embraer, the Brazilian aerospace manufacturer plans to transition most of its fleet to sustainable zero-emission models by 2030. In pursuit of that goal, the company has unveiled four small prop-driven prototypes that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Embraer fleet of four small prop-driven prototypes electric zero emissions aircraft
The four models will address varying approaches to the transition from fossil fuel aircraft to an all-electric fleet. The first known as the Energia Hybrid will have two forward facing rear-mounted electric engines with a combustion engine. The electric engines will be utilized for take-off, climbing and sharp maneuvering while the combustion engine will be used for high-altitude cruising.

The Energia Hybrid will have two forward facing rear-mounted electric engines with a combustion engine
The combination of electric and fossil fuel will make the Energia Hybrid 50% more efficient than a purely fossil fuel driven aircraft. Another innovation that would drastically cut carbon emission by 50% and increase its efficiency to over 90% is the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) instead of traditional aviation fuel. The Energia Hybrid will have a range of 500 miles and the company hopes to have it airborne by 2030.
The second entry is the Energia Electric which looks more like a glider with a forward-facing rear-mounted counter-rotating propeller driven by an all-electric engine. It will produce zero emissions with a flight range of 200 miles. This model is expected to be airborne by 2035.

The Energia Electric with a forward-facing rear-mounted counter-rotating propeller driven by an all-electric engine
The third entry is the 19 passenger H2 Fuel Cell which is more akin to a business jet with two rear-mounted electric engines powered by hydrogen fuel cells. It’s the only aircraft in the lineup that will utilize hydrogen fuel cell technology which is still in the developmental stage. It will have a range of 230 miles but with advances in fuel cell technology that range can be extended. The company doesn’t foresee the H2 Fuel Cell taking to the skies until after 2035.

The H2 Fuel Cell has two rear-mounted electric engines powered by hydrogen fuel cells
Finally, the Energia H2 Gas Turbine will run on either Hydrogen fuel or SAF fuel which would power two standard turbine engines. It will carry up to 50 passengers with a flight range of 370 miles on Hydrogen or 575 miles on SAF.

The Energia H2 Gas Turbine will run on either Hydrogen fuel or SAF fuel which would power two standard turbine engines
As of now, these models are only concepts of where the company plans to take its aircraft manufacturing in the near future. However, Embraer plans to construct all four concepts as part of its plans for an all-electric or low-emissions future by 2030.