Can-Am The Iconic Brand From the 70’s is Back With Two New Electric Bikes to Debut in 2024

Can-Am, the iconic bike manufacturer from the 70s and 80s specialized in dual-sport motorcycles and motocross bikes. However, the brand shuttered in the mid 1980’s and the iconic name was resurrected by Quebec based Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) in 2007. Since then the company has been making three-wheel motorcycles such as the legendary Spyder.

Can-Am Pulse
Now BRP is resurrecting the legacy of Can-Am by entering the burgeoning electric motorcycle market with the two new electric bikes; the Origin dual-purpose and the Pulse commuter. The Origin will be capable of off-road and on-road operation while the Pulse will be more geared toward city operation.

Can-Am Origin dual-purpose
So far little is known about the new electric bikes with Bombardier Recreational Products being tight lipped about the forthcoming e-bikes only stating that the drivetrain will require no clutching and that both models will be capable of achieving highway speeds. With the e-bikes set to hit the market in 2024, full details and specifications will be released sometime in August 2023 according to BRP.

Can-Am Origin dual-purpose and Pulse