Brizo Vettis Limited Edition Concrete Faucet

Concrete has been around for thousands of years and its one of those materials that is so versatile that it can be used in a wide variety of products. The Brizo Vettis limited-edition concrete faucet is an all concrete faucet that only a few can afford. This high-end luxury faucet is a result of a sophisticated manufacturing process that took years to perfect. The end result is a concrete faucet with water pour that mimics the physical sensation of a waterfall.
The little known of the manufacturing process is that the concrete mold takes 30 days to cure which allows it to develop its rich texture and color. The concrete hue of the faucet is a result of a careful blend of pure charcoal which produces that amazing gray color when cured.
The idea of a concrete faucet is the brainchild of master sculptor Christopher Shannon and designer T.J. Eads who blended their creativity to make this product a reality. The faucet once installed is a beauty to behold but under its façade of beauty lies many hours of work and intricate manufacturing standards to the highest tolerances to create a luxury product that will grace the bathrooms of the rich and famous.