Black Sheep Truck Taillight Storage is a Hidden Drawer that Conceals and Stores Your Goodies

This is by far the most ingenious storage solution we have seen on a pickup. Why not utilize space behind rear lights? That’s the concept behind these truck taillight storage drawers from Black Sheep. Taking inspriation from the Rivian R1T and Ford Lightining that has utilized hidden spaces for storage, Switzerland based Black Sheep has come up with an ingenous storage solution for trucks already on the road to use their rear lights as a storage drawer.
The company’s rear light drawers are already available on the Toyota Hilux and VW pickups, they are virtually undetectable when closed and can be opened by the press of a button. The drawers slide out from the vehicle in much the same way as a kitchen drawer slides out from the cabinet. The design utilizes the vehicle’s original tailight which remains attahched to the end of the drawer upon extension or can be folded down.