12 Best Ergonomic Mouse for Carpal Tunnel Prevention!

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects millions of people who use computers daily for several hours. The condition is not just relegated to computer users but can affect anyone whose wrist is under consistent tension for an extended time. The carpal tunnel is a tiny passageway in the wrist roughly an inch wide, it protects the median nerve and flexor tendons that bend the fingers and thumb.
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the tunnel becomes narrower or when tissues surrounding the tunnel are swollen which puts pressure on the median nerve. The result is tingling, numbness and a painful sensation in the wrist and fingers which can result in permanent damage to the median nerve if not mitigated early.
For those who use computers on a regular basis, this an especially serious concern. Carpal tunnel can develop from repetitive movements of the wrist over a prolonged period of time. Using a computer mouse repetitively may aggravate the tendons in the wrist causing swelling which puts pressure on the nerve.
Those who use computers with repetitive wrist movements such as CAD drafters and Graphic designers are especially at risk. Mitigating factors can include using a wrist cushion mousepad that supports the wrist while working or using an ergonomic or vertical mouse that is designed to fit the natural position of the hand. In some cases, a wrist cushion mousepad does the job but for most changing to an ergonomic mouse better suited for extended work is the solution, for others it’s a combination of both. Finding a good ergonomic mouse to help prevent carpal tunnel is imperative if you work with computers daily. We have made the job easier by reviewing the best ergonomic mouse for carpal tunnel prevention.