100 Deadly Skills: The Complete Survival Guide

100 Deadly Skills is the only complete and practical survival guide you will need if you find yourself in a dangerous life-threatening situation which is becoming increasingly common in today’s society. In a world marred with terrorism, mass shootings, kidnappings and numerous other violent crimes, equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills that may save your life and protect your family is of utmost priority. Written by retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson; 100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and surviving any life-threatening situation is a complete guide of reliable information that will help you to survive the dangers of the modern world. Adapted for civilian use from actual special operations procedures and tactics, this practical guide will help you elude pursuers, evade capture and increase your chances of survival in situations where your life hangs in the balance. Includes the skills you will need to take action in worst case scenarios such as escaping from a locked car trunk, making an improvised Taser, confusing facial recognition software, evasion tactics, and proven self-defense and immobilization techniques.
Product Features
- Complete and practical survival guide that will equip the reader with all the necessary skills and techniques to survive any life-threatening situation.
Target Buyers
This book is for those who are cognizant about the increasing dangers in today’s world. A practical guide for those who want to learn proven techniques to protect themselves and their family and to be prepped and ready to face any life-threatening situation that may arise. Ideal for preppers who understand the importance of being prepared and ready for any eventuality.
Purchase Details
The information presented in this book can be worth hundreds of dollars. Signing up for a course that teaches you the techniques in this book could very well run well into the hundreds if not thousands of dollars but this book is available for a measly $11.54 on Amazon.com and if you prefer to read on Kindle you can purchase it for $10.99. Ideal pricing to put this book in reach of everyone even those who may be short on cash.